Women in film & tv UK

Back in 2015 Women in film and TV were looking for a redesign and re-architecture of their website and membership platform. I had the pleasure to work with this amazing organisation with the help of the Substrakt studio, where I was working at the time.


Who are Women in Film & TV?

WFTV is the a membership organisation for women working in creative media in the UK. They host a variety of events throughout the year like networking evenings, collaborate with industry bodies on research projects, lobby for women’s interests, have a mentor programme for women in the industry and present an awards ceremony every December.


Getting to know WFTV and their goals

To help us understand WFTV’s goals we met twice for 2 UX workshops. On the first one we explored their audience and goals for public communication. On the second workshop we explored their users’ platform and what technical requirement they needed to be implemented.


Website architecture and user flows

Based on the client’s feedback from the workshop I analysed their website at the time and suggested a new and simpler one for better information architecture and navigation.


Wireframing and prototyping


Design and styling exploration


Design mock ups and implementation


Date: September, 2015
Client: Women in Film and Television UK
Website: www.wftv.org.uk
Studio: www.substrakt.co.uk